A representative list of services provided by LEL to law departments since our founding in 2011:
create department productivity and efficiency metrics/KPIs; establish reporting processes and data sharing that demonstrates the value of the legal department
improve talent/competency/performance assessments for in-house counsel; establish lawyer evaluation, promotion, and succession processes
build professional development programs that re-tool lawyers with critical business skills;
help lawyers adopt and adapt to technology and data-driven practices
advise on project and process management implementation; explore work processes, budget and cost assessments, as well as more efficient staffing options
develop knowledge-based resources and practices that help lawyers capture experiences, leverage data, and avoid “re-inventing” the wheel with each iteration of work
benchmark leading practices and assess their application to client needs
design global / cross-border service models
implement successful professional initiatives: diversity, public service, pro bono
navigate complex legal ethics and professional regulation challenges
consult on law department process, structure, and legal service delivery options
facilitate strategic planning initiatives / implement ensuing action plans
facilitate executive and leadership “change” discussions
plan and deliver innovative and purpose-driven department retreats.
develop corporate client survey tools and needs assessments; help the department better align service and priorities to corporate client expectations
improve focus on pro-active (rather than just reactive or management of) legal and business counseling services: business advancement, compliance, risk assessment and minimization, and preventive legal strategies
communicate quantifiable value via metrics and assessment/analytics projects
stimulate engaged operations re-engineering projects
implement successful professional initiatives: diversity, public service, pro bono
develop service provider selection strategies; create criteria and evaluation process for preferred provider selection and help conduct convergence processes
understand cost, pricing, and fee structures that better connect cost to value; help team members decide which fee options are best suited to different matters/work flows, and how budgets should be managed
conduct after-actions, needs assessments, and surveys to measure and then act on department satisfaction with outside counsel or vendor services
develop law department / law firm collaboration projects that focus on improved communication and engagement
develop client service, retention guidelines, procurement and expense policies, as well as other matter engagement strategies
consider a wider variety of staffing options, as well as multi-disciplinary vendors (beyond law firms); implement strategies that create virtual and collaborative teams
2010 - present
2010 - present