A representative list of services provided by LEL to other service providers since our founding in 2011:
develop strategies for improving collaborative and sustainable relationships between the firm and client legal departments
plan and deliver innovative and purpose-driven retreats (See Susan@YourMeeting)
facilitate strategic planning initiatives/implement ensuing action plans
consult on process, structure, and legal service delivery options
explore work processes and more efficient staffing options
understand cost, pricing, and fee structures that better connect cost to value
conduct after-actions and surveys to assess client perceptions, satisfaction, and needs
implement internal and external evaluation and assessment tools and processes that assure continuous improvement and comparative analyses
develop knowledge-based resources that help lawyers or other experts capture experiences, leverage data, and avoid “re-inventing” the wheel with each iteration of work
build professional development programs in law firms that re-tool lawyers with critical business and client-facing service skills
execute successful legal diversity and pro bono initiatives
develop projects that focus on improved communication and engagement
develop client service guidelines and matter engagement strategies
understand how to determine cost of service, project pricing, and custom fee structures that better connect cost to value
benchmark leading practices in your "space" and assess their application to client needs
2010 - present
2010 - present